Zagros Petrochemical|About Us|Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development

Nowadays, industries have developed so fully and this brought about a condition on our planet that has caused turbulence to the balance of our world. Environmental challenges such as air pollution and water scarcity, poverty and hunger, addiction, pervasive diseases, lack of effective public education, and so on have become the greatest problems of today's world that require every individual to act responsibly for these problems to be tackled and solved.

Taking this necessity into consideration, Zagros Petrochemical Company has adhered to a comprehensive view of its social responsibilities and has always done its utmost to have a proper perspective in creating value for all its stakeholders since its establishment. To this end, ZPC has also highlighted value creation for stakeholders in defining its vision and since 2017 has entered a new stage to prioritize and fulfill this critical task in the domain of business by systematically designing and utilizing social responsibility in its activities.

Zagros Petrochemical Company, as a green company, directs its activities in an environmentally friendly way, and through identifying and controlling environmental aspects and sources of emissions, has eliminated or minimized their effects. Since the impact of business on the local society and environment, and the synergy between the two, is complicated in the South Pars Special Economic Energy Zone, ZPC has decided to take control of the negative effects on the local society and environment with a responsible approach and take measures regarding sustainable economic, social, and environmental growth and development.


The Address of Central Office

  • Phone: (+98)2143000039
  • Fax: (+98)7737323207
  • Email:
  • No. 170, Vanak St., Vanak, Tehran, Iran
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Complex Address

  • Phone: (+98)7737323330
  • Fax: (+98)7737323207
  • Email:
  • South Pars Energy Special Economic Zone (Assaluyeh), Bushehr Province, Iran